Kentucky Commission on Human Rights Meeting

The City of Paducah is proud to host a regular meeting of the Kentucky Commission on Human Rights (KCHR) Board. The public is invited to attend the meeting which will be Thursday, August 3 at 10 a.m. at Paducah City Hall located at 300 South 5th Street.

Mayor George Bray said, “The KCHR is the state authority that enforces the Kentucky Civil Rights Act and federal civil rights laws. Our local Human Rights Commission which has been recently reactivated with the appointment of seven members in July will work closely with the KCHR. I am honored that the KCHR has decided to hold their meeting in Paducah. This meeting will provide an exceptional opportunity for our local Human Rights Commission and the public to meet this state board that works so hard to protect against discrimination in any form.”

For those who are unable to attend the KCHR meeting, it will be broadcast live. For a link to view the meeting, visit the Kentucky Commission on Human Rights Facebook page. Call 1-800-292-5566 for more information. 

The Kentucky Civil Rights Act makes it unlawful to discriminate against people in the areas of employment, financial credit transactions, housing and public accommodations. Discrimination is prohibited in these areas based on race, color, religion, national origin, gender, and disability. In employment, discrimination is further prohibited on the basis of age (40 years and over) and on the basis of tobacco-smoking status. In housing, discrimination is further prohibited based on familial status, which protects people with children in the household under the age of 18 years old, and it protects women who are pregnant. It is also a violation of the law to retaliate against a person for reporting or alleging discrimination.

For information about the KCHR and civil rights, visit the Kentucky Commission on Human Rights website.
