City Commission Meeting Highlights - March 11, 2025

Date of Release: 
March 11, 2025

Note:  Mayor Pro Tem Sandra Wilson, who was unable to attend this meeting, is representing Paducah at an Energy Communities Alliance meeting. The Energy Communities Alliance is a non-profit, membership organization of local governments adjacent to or impacted by U.S. Department of Energy activities.


Discussion of Paducah Bruhn Historic Revitalization Grant

Projects and Grants Coordinator Hope Reasons provided an overview of the National Park Service Paul Bruhn Historic Revitalization Grant. The City officially accepted the grant in September 2024, and the grant does not require a local match. The grant’s purpose is to foster economic development in rural communities through the rehabilitation of local historic buildings and resources. Examples of possible projects include building stabilization, façade improvements, roofs, HVAC, ADA accessibility, electrical, and plumbing.

The total amount of funding awarded to the City is $750,000 with the grant funding period running through September 30, 2027, to use the funds. Out of our funding award, $650,000 is allocated for awarding subgrants for building preservation to local building owners with the remaining $100,000 for technical assistance.

The City of Paducah is in the process of developing the application process to distribute the funds through subgrants. This application process will need to be approved by the National Park Service before Paducah can open up the application period. Reasons is hopeful that the subgrant application period will begin in May. The initial discussion is to provide subgrants in the amount of $50,000 to $100,000.

To be eligible for a subgrant, properties must be included within and contributing to a National Register District or individually listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Properties that are not yet listed in the National Register may still be awarded subgrants. However, they must be listed in the National Register by the end of the grant period in September 2027.

There are three eligible program areas for Paducah: 1) Downtown Historic Commercial District; 2) Market House Historical District; and 3) Southside. Properties that may be eligible for the grant include commercial, multi-unit residential, mixed use, educational, churches, and nonprofits. Only existing structures are eligible. Single family residential properties are not eligible.

For the subgrant awards, all applicants will be required to submit a minimum 10 percent cash match based on the total cost of the proposed project. Applicants that commit to a higher match amount will score higher during the evaluation process. Other criteria that will be reviewed in the application process include the project’s economic and visual impacts. Projects that restore a building’s original historic character also will be prioritized.


Boards and Commissions

  • Appointment of Ted Turner to the Paducah Golf Commission.
  • Appointment of Brad Arterburn, Bryan Carner, Paul King, Commissioner Buz Smith, Shirley Walker, and Melissa Yates to the Forest Hills Village, Inc. board.


Additional Meeting Information

  • Human Resources Director Stefanie Wilcox introduced Risk Manager Jeremy Leidecker to the Board.
  • Mayor Bray presented a proclamation to NeuroRestorative employees proclaiming March as Brain Injury Awareness Month.
  • Municipal Order approved amending the fee schedule for Oak Grove Cemetery and Mausoleum and ordinance introduced amending Chapter 26 of the Paducah Code of Ordinances regarding cemeteries. Many of the edits are to bring the ordinance in line with the administrative policy for cemetery operations and to clarify language. One of the amendments will be to allow saddles on the headstone.
  • Municipal Order approved accepting the McCracken County Sports Tourism Commission’s recommendation to authorize a contract with Peck Flannery Gream Warren, LLC for design services for the Championship Field and entry plaza for the Paducah Sports Park.
  • Municipal Order approved accepting the Community Development Block Grant in the amount of $200,000 on behalf of Four Rivers Behavior Health’s Centerpoint Recovery Center.
  • City Manager Daron Jordan mentioned that a section of the concrete on the ceiling of City Hall’s podium (porch area) is showing spalling and cracking. For safety, that area of the porch is blocked to public access. The concrete will be reviewed by a professional.
