The Paducah Board of Commissioners meets the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 5 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City Hall, 300 South 5th Street (unless otherwise noted). The general public is invited to attend. The meetings are produced by the television production crew at WKCTC and aired live on Government 11 (Comcast channel 11), live streamed on Youtube, and tape replayed.
Agendas, Minutes, Packets, and Highlights
2025 Videos | |
City Commission Meeting, March 25, 2025 | Highlights include presentations about the Police Department's Deflection Program, 911 budget, investment fund overview, and City Commission priorities for 2025 and 2026. 1 hour 34 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, March 11, 2025 | Highlights include a discussion of the National Park Service Paul Bruhn Historic Revitalization Grant and a proclamation for Brain Injury Awareness Month. 37 minutes |
CALLED City Commission Meeting, March 4, 2025 | Highlights include the approval of a co-stewardship agreement between the City and the Uppertown Heritage Foundation for the Hotel Metropolitan, approval of an ordinance to abolish 911 landline fees, and the proclaiming of March 8 as Paducah Craft Beer Day. 45 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, February 11, 2025 | Highlights include a presentation about Paducah's Small Business Development Center, a resolution in opposition to the centralized collection of local occupational taxes, and a discussion about Oak Grove Cemetery policies and procedures. 1 hour 31 minutes |
CALLED City Commission Meeting, February 11, 2025 | This is a called City Commission meeting for a hearing regarding the rezoning of 200 Fountain Avenue. 1 hour 38 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, January 28, 2025 | Highlights include a presentation about Paducah Main Street, contract modifications to add the Championship Field to the Paducah Sports Park, and the approval to issue a request for proposals for the property at 1501 Broadway (Katterjohn property). 1 hour 48 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, January 13, 2025 | Highlights include the presentation of the annual comprehensive financial report and audit, appointments to various boards, and the approval of the 2025A General Obligation Bond with funds to be used for the Paducah Sports Park and the Riverfront Infrastructure Development Project. 53 minutes |
2024 Videos | |
Inauguration Ceremony - December 30, 2024 |
This is the Inauguration Ceremony for the Paducah Board of Commissioners held December 30, 2024, at City Hall. The event includes the swearing-in of Mayor George P. Bray and Commissioners Sandra Wilson, Raynarldo Henderson, and Dujuan Thomas. Commissioner Robert Buz Smith was unable to attend due to illness and was sworn in at a separate event. Thank you to Commissioner Dujuan Thomas and Sir Duke of MBMG The Studio for providing the inauguration ceremony video. |
City Commission Meeting, December 10 | Highlights include the presentation of Christmas Parade awards, a service recognition presentation to City Commissioner David Guess, and the approval for the Creative & Cultural Council to issue a request for proposals for public art on Paducah's Southside. 43 minutes |
CALLED City Commission Meeting, November 27 | Highlights include a proclamation for Crash Responder Safety Month, the appointing of Greg Guebert as City Engineer, the approval of a contract to provide up to $500,000 for the Columbia Theatre Facade Renovation Project, and a resolution approving the transfer of the Section 8 program to the Housing Authority of Paducah. 27 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, November 12 | Highlights include a presentation by a Marriott Aloft representative, annual Paducah Civic Beautification Business Awards, and the construction contract approval for the BUILD grant riverfront project. 1 hour 22 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, October 22 | Highlights include a discussion of Paducah Main Street, the annual health insurance presentation, and the adoption of ordinances regarding 911. 1 hour 18 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, October 8 | Highlights include the proclamation for October as National Arts and Humanities Month, a quarterly update on grants activity, and the introduction of 911 ordinances that establish the Paducah-McCracken County Joint 911 Parcel Fee Appeals Board. 1 hour 5 minutes |
CALLED City Commission Meeting, September 30 | Highlights include the approval of a municipal order authorizing the Mayor to execute a development agreement with National Hospitality, LLC for a hotel on the city-owned property at 519 North 3rd Street. 12 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, September 17 | Highlights include a presentation of the City Commission Priorities Midyear Report, approval to begin negotiations for a hotel at 519 North 3rd Street, and the authorization to accept the National Park Service Paul Bruhn Grant. 2 hours and 6 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, August 27 | Highlights include the property tax rate public hearing, the approval of medical cannabis zoning text amendments, and an update on the street paving rehabilitation plan. 2 hours |
City Commission Meeting, August 13 | Highlights include a presentation about the Open Finance website, the acceptance of a $1.34 million grant from the Mellon Foundation for Hotel Metropolitan, and an update on the BUILD grant project. 1 hour 11 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, July 23 | Highlights include the addition of interactive voice service (IVR) as a payment option for real estate and property tax bills, the approval of a franchise agreement with Atmos Energy, and the annual contract with the Paxton Park Golf Commission. 28 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, July 9 | Highlights include a tower lease agreement for the 911 radio upgrade project, the introduction of a natural gas franchise agreement with Atmos Energy, and the introduction of an ordinance to add IVR services for the payment of real estate/property tax bills. 26 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, June 25 | Highlights include the adoption of a 911 parcel fee, approval of contracts for the Paducah Sports Park, and a presentation by Paducah Water. 1 hour 43 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, June 11 | Highlights include the adoption of the Fiscal Year 2025 budget, a presentation about the Paducah Sports Park, and the introduction of an ordinance for a 911 parcel fee. 1 hour 51 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, May 28 | Highlights include the adoption of the interlocal agreement between the City and County for the provision of 911 services, the introduction of the fiscal year 2025 budget, and a resolution in support of medical cannabis businesses. 2 hours 54 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, May 14 | Highlights include the presentation of the Dogwood Trail awards, a discussion about medical cannabis, and the introduction of an ordinance for an interlocal agreement with McCracken County for 911 services. 1 hour 39 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, April 23 | Highlights include proclamations for Mental Health Month and Municipal Clerks Week, a presentation from Paxton Golf Course, and the amending of the ordinance regarding the keeping of fowl in the city. 1 hour |
City Commission Meeting, April 9 | This meeting was held at The National Quilt Museum located at 215 Jefferson Street. Highlights include a Fair Housing Month Proclamation, a Community Scholarship Program presentation, the approval of support to the Upper Town Heritage Foundation for a grant application to the Mellon Foundation, and the introduction of amendments to the City's ordinance regarding the keeping of fowl. 55 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, March 26 | Highlights include a financial update from the Joint Sewer Agency, proclamations presented to LOTUS, and the Noble Park Tennis Court Resurfacing Project. 45 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, March 12 | Highlights include the Fire Department Feasibility Study presentation, a Brain Injury Awareness Month proclamation, and the approval of the demolition contract for the building at 1501 Broadway (Katterjohn building). 1 hour 17 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, February 27 | Highlights include the adoption of the 2024 City Commission Priorities, an update on the City Block Project, and the approval of the Bruhn Historical Grant application. 1 hour 31 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, February 13 | Highlights include an update on the Southside Neighborhood Incentive Program, a funding pledge for the Columbia Theatre, the annual report of crime statistics from the Paducah Police Department, and a summary of the 2023 Commission Priorities. 1 hour 46 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, January 23 | Highlights include a presentation of the FY2023 City audit, the approval of solid waste fee increases, the approval of the Paducah Sports Park design documents, and a resolution declaring Paducah as a Nuclear Ready Community. 1 hour 17 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, January 9 |
Highlights include a presentation about the Paducah Sports Park, a discussion of increasing solid waste rates, and a resolution supporting the development of a veterinary school at Murray State University. 2 hours 6 minutes |
2023 Videos | |
City Commission Meeting, December 12 |
Highlights include the presentation of Christmas Parade winners, the approval of a contract with Communications International for the 911 radio project, the adoption of an amended ethics ordinance, and a presentation of the City's pavement management program. 1 hour 56 minutes Note: Due to renovations in the City Commission Chambers at City Hall, the meeting was held at West Kentucky Community and Technical College, Crounse Hall, Room 101 (4810 Alben Barkley Drive). |
City Commission Meeting, November 28, 2023 |
Highlights include the presentation of the Paducah Civic Beautification Board's Annual Business Awards, the approval of a construction contract to relocate the dog parks from Stuart Nelson Park to Noble Park, and the introduction of an ordinance to amend Paducah's Code of Ethics. 1 hour 50 minutes Note: Due to renovations in the City Commission Chambers at City Hall, the meeting was held at West Kentucky Community and Technical College, Crounse Hall, Room 101 (4810 Alben Barkley Drive). |
City Commission Meeting, November 14, 2023 |
Highlights include an update on the Robert Cherry Civic Center Renovation Project and the approval of an updated fee schedule and an overview presentation of the previous fiscal year's revenue and expenditures. 1 hour 6 minutes Note: Due to renovations in the City Commission Chambers at City Hall, the meeting was held at West Kentucky Community and Technical College, Crounse Hall, Room 101 (4810 Alben Barkley Drive). |
City Commission Meeting, October 24, 2023 | Highlights include the presentation of the Mayor's Award of Excellence to Chef Sara Bradley, a discussion about solid waste fees, and recommendations from Rhodes Heritage Group about the preservation and stewarding of historical assets. 1 hour 46 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, October 10, 2023 | Highlights include a presentation about City of Paducah health insurance, benefits, and wellness plans, the approval of the installation of a Safe Have Baby Box at a Paducah fire station, and an update on the Robert Cherry Civic Center Renovation Project. 1 hour 34 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, September 26, 2023 | Highlights include presentations about Paducah Police Department's neighborhood meetings, a proposed Considerate and Kind Paducah campaign, and opioid settlement funds distribution. 1 hour 39 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, September 5, 2023 | Highlights include a presentation about the GPS software on the Solid Waste Division's trucks, a public hearing for the fiscal year 2024 property tax levy, and several proclamations. 1 hour 14 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, August 22, 2023 | Highlights include appointments to various boards and commissions, the approval to replace the roof on the Market House building, and a $100,000 appropriation to Paxton Park Golf Course. 20 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, August 8, 2023 | Highlights include the annual report by Greater Paducah Economic Development and the mid-year report of the City Commission Priorities. 1 hour 46 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, July 25, 2023 | Highlights include appointments to the Paducah Human Rights Commission, an update on the 911 project, and a contract extension for the pickleball court project at Noble Park. 56 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, July 11, 2023 | Highlights include the approval of a letter of intent for the 911 radio and tower project, an update of grants activity, and the discussion of a parks advisory board. 2 hours 14 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, June 27, 2023 | Highlights include an update from the Joint Sewer Agency, the approval of Southside housing and economic incentives, and the approval to apply for the Safe Streets and Roads for All grant to improve the North 32nd and Buckner Lane intersection and surrounding area. 1 hour 26 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, June 13, 2023 | Highlights include a presentation from the Paducah Convention & Visitors Bureau, the adoption of the FY2024 budget, the approval of a three-year AFSCME agreement, and the introduction of incentive programs for the Southside. 1 hour 46 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, May 23, 2023 | Highlights include the introduction of the Fiscal Year 2024 budget, a presentation about the 911 Communications Division, and a discussion of economic and housing incentives for the Southside. 2 hours 10 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, May 9, 2023 | Highlights include a Proclamation for National Police Week, the presentation of the Dogwood Trail and Children's Art Contest awards, and the establishing of an Energy Project Assessment District. 40 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, April 25, 2023 | Highlights include a discussion about the Human Rights Commission and the creation of a Diversity Specialist position, an update on the City Block project, and the approval of a construction contract for pickleball courts at Noble Park. 1 hour 51 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, April 11, 2023 | Highlights include a discussion of roof repairs for the Convention Center, an update on grants activity, and the signing of three-year contracts for the bargaining units for the Paducah Police and Fire Departments. 1 hour 39 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, March 28, 2023 | Highlights include a discussion of the Convention Center roof, the subdivision process for developers, the determination of a site at Noble Park for the relocation of the Stuart Nelson dog parks, and an update on the design of the outdoor sports complex. 2 hours 14 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, March 14, 2023 | Highlights include a proclamation to celebrate Paducah Tilghman High School Wrestling Team's State Championship, a discussion of the proposed subdivision development off Pecan Drive, and a discussion of the deteriorating roof at the Convention Center. 1 hour 49 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, February 28, 2023 | Highlights include employee recognition, a six-month financial update for Fiscal Year 2023, a discussion of the relocation of the dog parks at Stuart Nelson Park, and the approval of an agreement with the County for a joint Comprehensive Plan. 2 hours 37 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, February 14, 2023 | Highlights includes a proclamation for Beta Omega Omega Chapter Day, an ordinance updating the special events permitting process, and the introduction of an ordinance for a joint City/County Comprehensive Plan. 23 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, January 24, 2023 | Highlights include a discussion of the outdoor sports complex and the relocation of the Dog Park, an ordinance updating the special event permitting process, and ordinance amendments regarding public comments. 1 hour |
Public Hearing, January 17, 2023 | This is a public hearing of the Board of Commissioners versus Commissioner David Guess. 3 hours 45 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, January 10, 2023 | Highlights include a presentation of the city audit, a junior duke award presentation, and the introduction of an ordinance amending public comments procedures at Commission meetings. This was a travelling City Commission meeting held at West Kentucky Community & Technical College's Crounse Hall. 44 minutes |
2022 Videos | |
City Commission Meeting, December 15, 2022 | Highlights include the recognition of Paducah's City Government of the Year Award, Christmas Parade winners, an update on the Robert Cherry Civic Center renovation project, and a resolution charging a member of the Board with misconduct. 3 hours |
City Commission Meeting, December 7, 2022 | The Board met for more than two hours in closed session as permitted by KRS 61.810(1)(f) for issues which might lead to the discipline or dismissal of a member i.e. City Commissioner. Advance the meeting video to 2:24 for the return to open session. |
City Commission Meeting, November 29, 2022 | Highlights include a discussion of the 911 upgrade and funding project and an agreement for a Fire Department feasibility study. 49 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, November 15, 2022 | Highlights include the presentation of the 2022 Annual Business Awards, an update on Paducah Main Street activities, an update on stormwater and roadway projects, and a discussion on the allocation of ARPA funding. 1 hour 40 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, October 25, 2022 | Highlights include a CDBG grant for the Senior Center and updates on the Katterjohn Building's partial demolition and pickleball courts at Noble Park. 50 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, October 11, 2022 | Highlights include an update on the Katterjohn Building, a presentation on the 2023 City Health Insurance Plan, and a discussion of refuse collection. 1 hour 37 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, September 27, 2022 | Highlights include an update on the Robert Cherry Civic Center following an early morning traffic crash and the setting of the fiscal year 2023 property tax levy. 32 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, September 13, 2022 | Highlights include a presentation from Weyland Ventures on the City Block project, the approval of economic development incentives for ViWinTech, and the fiscal year 2023 property tax public hearing. 1 hour 42 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, August 23, 2022 | Highlights include an update on the City Block project, the introduction of the interlocal cooperation agreement for the outdoor sports complex, and the quarterly update of the City Commission Priorities. 1 hour 33 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, August 9, 2022 | Highlights include a presentation of the first ever Junior Duchess Award, approval of funding assistance for Paducah Transit Authority and Sprocket, and the approval of a payment to the Industrial Development Authority for the purchase of property on Bobo Road. 62 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, July 26, 2022 | Highlights include an update on the Paducah 311 service request app and online portal, approval of a contract to design eight pickleball courts at Noble Park, and a Community Development Block Grant application on behalf of the Senior Center. 64 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, July 12, 2022 | Highlights include an update on the City and County commitment to move forward on the 911 radio upgrade project and the outdoor sports complex. Robert Dafford with Dafford Murals provided an update on the new 10-panel mural near the Carson Center. 41 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, June 28, 2022 | Highlights include a discussion about the 911 upgrade project and the approval of the Notice to Proceed for the City Block project. 39 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, June 14, 2022 | Highlights include the adoption of the fiscal year 2023 budget, an update on the 2022 City Commission priorities, the approval of an agreement to assist Mayfield with building inspection services, and an update from the Joint Sewer Agency. 1 hour 50 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, May 24, 2022 | The location is the Fountain Avenue Neighborhood at the Paducah Recreation Center. Highlights include the introduction of the fiscal year 2023 budget, the approval of a construction contract for the South 25th Street road improvement project, and an agreement to assist Mayfield with building inspection services as the city rebuilds following the December 2021 tornado. 1 hour 17 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, May 10, 2022 | Highlights include a budget workshop, the approval of an agreement with Federal Engineering as part of the 911 upgrade, Dogwood Trail Awards, and a presentation by the Paducah Diversity Advocacy Board. 2 hours 14 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, April 26, 2022 | Highlights include a a department update from Police Chief Brian Laird, an overview of the Community Scholarship Program, funding support for Barkley Regional Airport's new terminal, and the approval of the construction contract for the Buckner Lane Bridge Replacement Project. 1 hour 16 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, April 12, 2022 | Highlights include the agreement with Beautiful Paducah in support of 2022 BBQ on the River event, funding support for the Barkley Regional Airport Project, and an update on the City's grant applications. 1 hour 19 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, March 22, 2022 | Highlights include the adoption of the 2022 Commission Priorities, a decision on the Robert Cherry Civic Center Project, and funding source, and the approval of an engineering contract for the BUILD grant projects. 2 hours 3 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, March 8, 2022 | Highlights include right-of-way and easement actions related to the Buckner Lane Bridge Replacement Project and the introduction of an engineering design contract for the BUILD grant project. 29 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, February 22, 2022 | Highlights include comments about milestones achieved with the City Block project and appointments to various boards. 17 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, February 8, 2022 | Highlights include a presentation about the Robert Cherry Civic Center renovation project and an overview of the achievements and projects in the works for the Clerk's Office and Customer Experience Department. 91 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, January 25, 2022 | Highlights include a presentation of the Commission Priorities 2021 Annual Report and a proclamation for Catholic Schools Week Proclamation. 48 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, January 11, 2022 | Highlights include a presentation of the Fiscal Year 2021 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report and the approval of annexation incentives. 38 minutes |
2021 Videos | |
City Commission Meeting, December 14, 2021 |
Highlights include a discussion of the response and long-term support following the devastating tornado, recognition of the Christmas Parade winners and LOVE Award recipients, and an overview of the Public Works Department activities. |
City Commission Meeting, November 23, 2021 | Highlights include the Small Business Saturday proclamation and the approval of amendments to the Creative & Cultural Council membership and terms. 49 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, November 9, 2021 | Highlights include the presentation of the Paducah Civic Beautification Board's Annual Business Awards, the approval of the members of the 911 Communication Services Oversight Committee, and a presentation about pavement inspections and the PAVER software. 1 hour 11 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, October 26, 2021 | Highlights include an update on City Commission Priorities, a financial overview of the fiscal year that ended June 30, National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Proclamation, and the architectural design contract for the renovations to the Robert Cherry Civic Center. 1 hour 51 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, October 12, 2021 | Highlights include a proclamation for Arts & Humanities Month and an overview of the McCracken County Emergency Operations Plan. 21 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, September 28, 2021 | Highlights include a presentation about the City's health insurance program, the setting of the Property Tax Levy, and the approval of two stormwater projects. 72 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, September 14, 2021 | Highlights include a proclamation for City Government Month, a discussion of the recent Touchdown and Tunes event, and a public hearing for the proposed Property Tax Levy. 1 hour 24 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, August 24, 2021 | Highlights include the recognition of the community partners for the Southside Rise & Shine Neighborhood Spruce Up, the presentation of the annual funding for Greater Paducah Economic Development, and the approval of an interlocal agreement in support of the Barkley Regional Airport Terminal Project. 35 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, August 10 | Highlights include the approval of the Remote Worker Incentive Program and Memorandums of Understanding for the outdoor sports and recreation complex and the E911 project. 1 hour 36 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, July 27 | Highlights include discussions about the City Commission Priorities and the Robert Cherry Civic Center in addition to a farewell to City Manager Jim Arndt at his last meeting as Paducah's city manager. 1 hour 36 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, July 13 | Highlights include the employment agreement for Daron Jordan as the next city manager, a discussion about paving projects, and the approval of designating $4 million of American Rescue Plan Act funding for stormwater projects. 1 hour 21 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, June 22 | Highlights include a discussion of the proposed remote workers incentive program, a discussion of repurposing and renovating the Robert Cherry Civic Center, and the approval of the fiscal year 2022 budget. 1 hour 13 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, June 8 | Highlights include a discussion of the McCracken County outdoor sports complex and the 911 system, the approval of a contract extension for the City Manager, and an update on projects from the Joint Sewer Agency. 64 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, May 25 | Highlights include a discussion of the 911 Radio and Tower project and the McCracken County Outdoor Sports Complex. 42 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, May 11 | This is the Fiscal Year 2022 Budget Workshop. 87 minutes |
Joint City-County Meeting, May 4 | Joint meeting between the Paducah Board of Commissioners and the McCracken County Fiscal Court to discuss the outdoor recreation and sports complex. 2 hours 20 minutes Sports Facility Slide Presentation |
City Commission Meeting, April 27 | Highlights include the approval of an Entertainment Destination Center for downtown, the approval of changing the City Commission meeting time from 5:30 to 5 p.m., the approval of a roof stabilization grant for the project to revitalize the former Walter Jetton School, and the quarterly update of the City Commission's Priorities. 1 hour 48 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, April 13 | Highlights include the hiring of Planning Director Nicholas Hutchison, the ordinance introduction for the Entertainment Destination Center, the extension of the business license deadline, and a presentation about the Community Scholarship Program. 1 hour 17 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, March 23 | Highlights include a presentation about a proposed Entertainment Destination Center downtown, the signing of a three-year contract with AFSCME, a presentation about the public relations campaign through Lou Hammond Group, and an update on the General Fund revenue and expenditures. 1 hour 47 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, March 9 | Highlights include the adoption of the Commission Priorities, a discussion of potential projects for the bond proceeds, an update on the Oak Grove Cemetery Enhanced Maintenance Plan, and an update on the City's software upgrades. 1 hour, 42 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, February 23 |
Highlights include the discussion of the 12 priority items for the 2021 Strategic Plan, the approval of the SAFER grant application which would fund the hiring of three new firefighters, and the announcement of Southside neighborhood public meetings. 2 hours 39 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, February 9 | Highlights include a resolution urging state lawmakers to adequately fund transportation especially road and bridge projects, the approval of the administration fee as required for the City's final step toward Tax Increment Financing approval, and a discussion about the City's stormwater permit through the Kentucky Division of Water. 57 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, January 26 | Highlights include a presentation by Representative Randy Bridges and Senator Danny Carroll and the approved of an agreement as required by the COPS grant for three Paducah Police Officers who will serve as school resource officers. 1 hour 9 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, January 12 | Highlights include the approval of an ordinance to waive the ABC license renewal fees for certain licenses and the termination of the design contract for the proposed Indoor Recreation and Aquatic Center. 1 hour 55 minutes |
2020 Videos | |
City Commission Meeting, December 15 | The beginning of the meeting includes a joint meeting with the McCracken County Fiscal Court. Highlights include ordinance approvals for the Industrial Development Authority, the presentation of service plaques to elected officials, the recognition of LOVE award recipients, and the approval of a forgivable loan to Sprocket. 1 hour 49 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, December 8 | Highlights include a resolution in memory of former Commissioner Robert Coleman, a presentation about the Environmental Assessment and concepts for the BUILD grant project, and the introduction of a forgivable loan for Sprocket. 1 hour 32 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, November 24 | Highlights include the approval of the unity artwork for the Paducah Water tower near exit 16 on Interstate-24 and the approval of a design contract with BFW Engineering for the South 24th and South 25th Street projects. 1 hour 12 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, November 10 |
Highlights include a presentation by the Midtown Alliance of Neighbors and an introduction of an ordinance for engineering design services for the South 25th and South 24th Street road rehabilitation projects. 55 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, October 27 | Highlights include a proclamation celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Paducah Convention & Visitors Bureau, a proclamation for Advocacy in Action Day in honor of Merryman Kemp who founded the Merryman Domestic Crisis Center, and the approval of the sale of the vacant lot at 432 Broadway. 45 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, October 13 | Highlights include presentations about BUILD grant docking facility concept drawings, employee health insurance and benefits plan for 2021, and recent Greater Paducah Economic Development accomplishments. 70 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, September 22 | Highlights include the adoption of the Fiscal Year 2021 property tax rates and the purchase of a property parcel adjacent to the South 24th Street bridge to improve stormwater management. 19 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, September 8 | Highlights include a property tax rate public hearing, the approval of the grant-in-aid funding recipients, and the approval of a construction contract for the Peck Education Trail Project. 43 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, August 25 | Highlights include approval of a zone change for the Walter Jetton School rehabilitation project. 28 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, August 12 | Highlights include the development agreement for the City Block project and an introduction to change the zoning for the property at 401 Walter Jetton Boulevard. 76 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, August 11 | This meeting is a redo of the agenda items from the July 28 meeting. Highlights include the introduction to the ordinance for the development agreement for the City Block project and the decision to pause the design for the Indoor Recreation and Aquatic Center until January 2021. 1 hour 58 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, July 28 | This meeting was conducted by video conferencing due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Highlights include a presentation about the City Block project and an introduction to the ordinance for the development agreement and the decision to pause the design for the Indoor Recreation and Aquatic Center until January 2021. 2 1/2 hours |
City Commission Meeting, July 14 | Highlights include an update from the McCracken County Sports Tourism Commission, a presentation about the assessment of the needs and condition of 14 City of Paducah facilities, and the approval to pause the design contract for the indoor recreation and aquatic center until January 2021. 95 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, July 7 | Due to the COVID-19 situation, the entire meeting was held by video conferencing. Highlights include an ordinance for the sale of the city-county owned industrial building at 5400 Commerce Drive. 10 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, June 24 | This is a called meeting held June 24, 2020, of the Paducah Board of Commissioners. Due to the COVID-19 situation, the meeting was conducted entirely by video conferencing. Highlights include the approval of the Fiscal Year 2021 Budget, a discussion about the reopening of parks amenities including playgrounds, spraypads, and basketball courts, and the introduction of an ordinance for the sale of the City and County industrial building at 5400 Commerce Drive. 50 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, June 9 | This is a called meeting of the Paducah Board of Commissioners which was conducted by video conferencing due to the COVID-19 situation. Highlights including the introduction of the Fiscal Year 2021 Budget ordinance. 24 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, May 26 - Budget Workshop | This is a called meeting of the Paducah Board of Commissioners held May 26, 2020, to discuss the Fiscal Year 2021 budget and conduct regular business items. Due to the COVID-19 situation, this meeting is conducted entirely by video conferencing. 83 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, May 20 | This is a called meeting between the Paducah Board of Commissioners and the McCracken County Fiscal Court to discuss the property at 5400 Commerce Drive (formerly Genova). Due to the COVID-19 situation, this meeting was conducted entirely by video conferencing. An executive session was held prior to the vote. 2 hours |
City Commission Meeting, May 18 | This is a called meeting between the Paducah Board of Commissioners and the McCracken County Fiscal Court to discuss the property at 5400 Commerce Drive (formerly Genova). Due to the COVID-19 situation, this meeting was conducted entirely by video conferencing. The elected bodies went into executive session at the beginning of the meeting and stayed in executive session for more than an hour. No action was taken. 72 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, May 12 | Due to the COVID-19 situation, this meeting was conducted through video conferencing. Highlights include the approval of the construction contract for the South 24th Street bridge project and the approval of the Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation grant application. 24 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, April 28 | Due to the COVID-19 situation, the entire meeting is conducted by video conferencing. Highlights include an update on the Small Business Relief Fund and a ordinance introduction for a construction contract to rehabilitate the bridge on South 24th Street. 51 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, April 14 | This is a called meeting, and due to the COVID-19 situation, the entire meeting was conducted by video conferencing. Highlights include the approval of the criteria and funding for the Small Business Relief Fund and the approval of a construction contract for the Greenway Trail Phase V project. 52 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, March 31 | This is a called meeting, and due to the COVID-19 situation, several elected officials participated through teleconferencing. Highlights include the adoption of the Economic Stimulus Package for Businesses which created the Small Business Relief Fund. 61 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, March 10 | Highlights include an update on COVID-19, a presentation about the downtown parking study, and an update on the Our Paducah Strategic Plan. 2 hours, 9 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, February 25 | Highlights include public comments regarding the Indoor Recreation & Aquatic Center, the approval of the franchise agreement with Comcast, and the approval of a grant application for the COPS hiring program. 2 hours, 47 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, February 11 | Highlights include a presentations about the upcoming 2020 Census and Paducah's two Opportunity Zones, and the approval and signing of three-year contracts between the City and the police and fire unions. 48 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, January 28 | Highlights include an update on the design of the Indoor Recreation and Aquatic Facility, a report of recent activity from Greater Paducah Economic Development, and a demonstration of the new OpenCounter zoning and permitting software. 2 hours 30 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, January 14 | Highlights include the introduction of six new Paducah firefighters and ordinance introductions for a cost recovery program for special events and for an agreement with Plante Moran for technical assistance in the implementation of the EnerGov software for codes and permitting. 44 minutes |
2019 Videos | |
City Commission Meeting, December 17 | This is a joint meeting held December 17, 2019, between the Paducah Board of Commissioners and the McCracken County Fiscal Court to learn more about the recommendations from the Parks Master Plan process. At about 30 minutes into the video, the meeting with the Fiscal Court ends, and a meeting of just the Paducah Board of Commissioners begins. Highlights from that meeting include the presentation of the Christmas Parade winners, an update to Chapter 42 of the Paducah code of ordinances related to junk vehicles, and the establishing of a Creative & Cultural Council. 67 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, December 10 | Highlights include ordinance introductions regarding the creation of a Creative & Cultural Council and amendments to Chapter 42 of the code regarding junk vehicles. 59 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, November 26 | Highlights include presentations from the two Shift Workshop project teams, an update from the National Quilt Museum, and a presentation of the Paducah Civic Beautification Board's Annual Business Awards. The Board also approved actions related to the Indoor Recreation and Aquatic Center. 1 hour 58 minutes |
Called City Commission Meeting with Fiscal Court, November 14 | This is a called meeting to discuss E-911 equipment, specifically radio and radio infrastructure upgrades, and funding that will be held at City Hall on Thursday, November 14, 2019, at 5 p.m. 58 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, November 12 | Highlights include the introduction of an ordinance that would provide limitations on dogs at special events. Ordinances also were introduced related to the indoor recreation and aquatic facility which is under design. The ordinances are for increasing the insurance premium tax from 6% to 7% and issuing a $22 million bond. 64 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, October 22 | Highlights include a presentation from Greater Paducah Economic Development (GPED), an update on the City Block project, and a discussion about restricting dogs at community events. 67 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, October 8 | Highlights include the announcement from the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet regarding $650,000 in funding for the South 25th Street project, an overview presentation of the proposed City Block project, and a briefing on the employee health insurance and wellness benefits for calendar year 2020. 87 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, September 24 | Highlights include the setting of the property tax levy, the introduction of several new City of Paducah employees, and a contract amendment to include the EnerGov software for codes, permitting, and inspection processes. 36 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, September 9 | Highlights include a presentation about the Enterprise Resource Planning Software Project and a public hearing for the Fiscal Year 2020 Property Tax Levy. 83 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, August 27 | Highlights include the approval of annual contracts for services for various local agencies, the approval of a contract with Lose Design for an indoor recreation and aquatic facility, and the approval of changing the minimum hiring age of a firefighter from 21 to 19 years of age. 53 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, August 26 - Joint Meeting with Fiscal Court | Highlights include the adoption of ordinances related to the Sports Tourism Commission and Transient Room Tax. 24 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, August 13 | Highlights include a presentation about Partake in Paducah from Socially Present and the introduction of ordinances regarding the change in structure for the transient room tax and the Paducah Convention & Visitors Bureau. 1 hour 47 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, July 23 | Highlights include a presentation about the Strategic Plan and the launch of initiatives for OurPaducah, an update about the Small Urban Area Study through the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet, and a presentation about plans to expand the Veterans Day Celebration. People also attended this meeting to provide their thoughts on the upcoming Western Kentucky Pride Festival. 94 minutes Our Paducah Strategic Plan Welcome Video |
City Commission Meeting, July 9 | Highlights include the authorization to apply for the BUILD grant and an ordinance introduction to increase fees in the Fire prevention Division to match McCracken County's fees. 37 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, June 25 | Highlights include approval of the Fiscal Year 2019-2020 budget, the creation of the Customer Experience Department, and the recognition of the Lemonade Academy participants. 1 hour 18 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, June 17 | Highlights include discussions of the mailed survey for the Parks & Recreation Master Plan and the proposal to create a new tourism commission in addition to the existing Convention & Visitors Bureau in order to generate additional revenue through the transient room tax. 2 hours 5 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, June 11 | Highlights include a presentation about the Joint Sewer Agency's rate adjustment, the introduction of the Fiscal Year 2019-2020 City Budget, and the recognition of the Mayor's Interns and Paducah Pathfinders. 48 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, May 28 | Highlights include a proclamation about gun violence awareness, a legislative update, an amendment to the human relations ordinance, and a presentation about the New Day Initiative and enhancements to the permitting process. 2 hours 10 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, May 21 | This is a called meeting regarding an amendment to Chapter 58 of the Paducah Code of Ordinances regarding Human Relations. 4 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, May 15 | This is a called meeting to discuss the Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Budget. 2 hours 2 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, May 14 | Highlights include the graduation for the Citizens' Academy participants, an update on Greater Paducah Economic Development, and a presentation about the Community Scholarship Program. 1 hour 55 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, April 23 | Highlights include the approval of a Program Development Agreement with Weyland Ventures for a city-owned downtown block and an update on the upcoming City Hall unveiling ceremony. 34 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, April 16 | The elected bodies discussed the preliminary survey results gathered through the Parks & Recreation Master Planning process. 1 hour 40 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, April 9 | Highlights include the adopting of the Tax Increment Financing (TIF) District ordinance and the approval of new Paducah Water rates. 57 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, March 26 | Highlights include a presentation from Paducah Water about the organization's structure, financial challenges, and proposed rate changes, a resolution for the Tennessee RiverLine Pilot Community Program, and an update on the demolition of the building at 318 Broadway (also known as the Kresge building). 72 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, March 19 | Highlights include a presentation about the upcoming 2020 U.S. Census and a proclamation to create a Complete Count Committee. A presentation and discussion was held regarding a proposal to restructure the E-911 division and address revenue challenges. 96 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, March 12 | Highlights include he introduction of an ordinance to create a Tax Increment Financing (TIF) District in the downtown area and the approval of an ordinance to make E911 Communications Services a division of the Paducah Police Department. 23 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, February 26 | Highlights include the adoption of a resolution in support of creating a Tax Increment Financing District, the contract for the emergency demolition of the Kresge Building, and the contract for Strategic Plan marketing. The Board also heard a presentation about Barkley Regional Airport and an update on the Ohio River flooding situation. 48 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, February 19 | This is the joint meeting of the Paducah Board of Commissioners and the McCracken County Fiscal Court to discuss a Tax Increment Financing District (TIF) and the Columbia Theatre. 128 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, February 12 | Highlights include a presentation about a proposed Stormwater Impact Fee and an update on the Strategic Plan Action Steps and Vision Statement. 89 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, January 22 | Highlights include the swearing in of three police officer recruits, Catholic Schools Week proclamation, presentation of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, and public discussion of the Veterans Day Parade resolution. 88 minutes |
City Commission Meeting, January 8 | Highlights include the naming of the proposed pedestrian bridge that would link the City's Greenway Trail with McCracken County's trail system the Bob Leeper Bridge and a discussion about the Veterans Day Parade resolution that was adopted in May 2017. 26 minutes |