Objective - Revenue Equity
Focused effort on the auditing and enforcement of occupational licenses within the community.
Note: This item was a 2023 City Commission Priority. It is an item for Continuous Improvement for 2024.
Expectations and Tactics
- Develop and recommend enhanced policies and procedures for occupational license auditing, enforcement and fees.
- Explore occupational license enforcement partnership opportunities with the County.
- Continue proactive efforts of compliance through education at the Kick Start Meetings and other opportunities.
Accomplishments - 2023 to Present
- Finance Department is proactively seeking non-compliant businesses through several strategies: 1) 1099 efforts; 2) Accounts in legal collection; and 3) Data extraction efforts.
- Finance Department prioritized payroll and and property tax collection efforts with tactics including contacting employers, setting up payment plans, mailing forms earlier, and an enhanced effort on warning notices and legal action.
- The Department is working to implement an online occupational license module.
- Communications issued four news releases and several social media reminders regarding business licenses and property tax payments in 2023.
- In March 2024, approval of a contract with Hdl Companies to research and identify businesses currently not paying business license fees and payroll taxes.
Commission Priorities
Read all Commission Priorities and Continuous Improvement Items including each action item's objective and expectations by visiting Commission Priorities.