Trails and Bike Lanes

Objective - Trails and Bike Lanesbike paths icon

Having a walkable and bikeable community through the expansion of trails and bike lanes.

In June 2023, the City accepted the National Park Service – River, Trails, and Conversation Assistance Program Technical Assistance Grant. Through this grant, National Park Service staff is assisting the City with the creation of a master plan to extend the Greenway Trail, gather input for an urban bike loop plan, and prepare for a future application to become a designated Kentucky Trail Town.

Note: This has been a Commission Priority since 2022.

trails and bikes lanes public meeting graphicPublic Meeting to Provide Feedback on Preliminary Plan to Extend the Greenway Trail - April 3, 2025

The City of Paducah invites the community to a public meeting to view the preliminary plan regarding the expansion of bikes lanes and greenway trails in Paducah. This meeting also celebrates the accomplishments of nearly two years of public feedback through focus groups, public meetings, a survey, and steering committee input.

The public meeting will be Thursday, April 3, from 5:30 until 6:30 p.m. at Symphony Hall located at 401 Walter Jetton Boulevard Bld #4. Please note that Symphony Hall does not have a designated parking lot. There is public street parking near the building. The side entrance on Clark Street (north side of building) is an accessible entrance.

At the beginning of the meeting, there will be a brief presentation providing an overview of the process to date and a summary of the feedback. Then, attendees will rotate through a series of stations on topics including the layout of the first phase of the trail expansion, prioritization of trail amenities, safe trail design options, and options for future trail expansions within Paducah and regionally. Members of the Greenway Trail Steering Committee will provide additional details at each station and collect feedback.

For those who are unable to attend the meeting, an online survey will be available April 4 through April 13. 

Online Survey - Coming Soon!

Trails & Bike Lanes Priority Details

Expectations and Tactics
  • Work with the National Park Service to adopt a Greenway Trail Master Plan.
  • Use community engagement throughout the Bike Lanes and Trails planning process.
  • Explore grant opportunities for trail construction.
Accomplishments - 2022 to present

Community Feedback  Planning staff are reviewing the existing bike/pedestrian plan and developing a community engagement and strategic plan for moving forward. 

Project Organization  Establishing a project team and gathering historical information regarding the Greenway Trail and the bike plan while seeking out grant opportunities. The Planning Department has hired a Planner who will focus on this project.

Training The Planning Director attended the Kentucky Bicycle and Bikeway Commission's 2022 quarterly meeting in Calvert City.

National Park Service Grant  City received in June 2023 the National Park Service – River, Trails, and Conservation Assistance Program grant. This technical assistance grant will assist in the design and public input process for Greenway Trail extensions and bicycling loops. The goal would be for Paducah to ultimately apply for a Kentucky Trail Town designation.

  • The project kickoff with the granting agency was held in September 2023.
  • Two meetings were held with the steering committee of project partners (November 2023 and January 2024) to begin the strategic planning. The January 2024 meeting included a SWOT analysis, vision statement drafts, goal development, and short-term action items. Meetings with the project partners are continuing. 
  • Two public meetings and several focus group meetings were held June 4-6, 2024, to gather feedback.
  • A public meeting to provide the preliminary plan and gather feedback on amenities, safe trail design, future trail segments, and more will be Thursday, April 3, 2025.

Commission Priorities

Read all Commission Priorities and Continuous Improvement Items including each action item's objective and expectations by visiting Commission Priorities.