City Commission Meeting Highlights - August 23, 2022

Date of Release: 
August 23, 2022

To view the entire meeting, visit

Note:  Commissioner Carol Gault was unable to attend the meeting.

City Block Project Update

Mayor George Bray announced that last week he met with representatives of Weyland Ventures in Louisville to discuss the timeline for the City Block project.  City Manager Daron Jordan and City Commissioner Raynarldo Henderson also attended the meeting.  Mayor Bray said that the meeting went well, and that the groundbreaking for the project is getting closer.  Weyland has been working with the project contractors to coordinate the launch of the project construction and hopes to finalize a timeline soon.

Sports Complex Interlocal Cooperation Agreement

The Paducah Board of Commissioners introduced the interlocal cooperation agreement among the City, McCracken County, and the McCracken County Sports Tourism Commission for the development and operation of the outdoor sports complex under design for the former Bluegrass Downs horse track complex and a portion of Stuart Nelson Park.  This project also would improve the roadway into Stuart Nelson Park.  The interlocal agreement, a complex document of more than 30 pages, outlines the financial cooperation and responsibilities among the parties for this significant project for Paducah and McCracken County.  The City and County are looking at holding a joint meeting along with the McCracken County Sports Tourism Commission to officially approve the interlocal cooperation agreement.  Learn more about the outdoor sports complex.

Commission Priorities Quarterly Update

Assistant City Manager Michelle Smolen updated the Board on the progress of the 10 priorities that were adopted following the February strategic planning retreat. The 10 priority items are listed below in no particular order:

  • 911 Radio/Tower Upgrades and Operational Funding
  • Minority Inclusion
  • Downtown
  • Southside Enhancements
  • Housing
  • Beautification
  • Community Growth
  • Trails and Bike Paths Enhancements
  • Continue Efforts to Improve Operational Efficiencies
  • Protecting Key Historical and Cultural Resources

The list of City Commission Priorities also includes three continuous improvements action items: stormwater, city facilities, and the outdoor sports complex.


The Board officially accepted the 2019 Better Utilizing Investments to Leverage Development (BUILD) Grant in the amount of $10.4 million for the Paducah Riverfront Improvement Project.  In November 2019, the City was notified of the grant award administered through the U.S. Department of Transportation Maritime Administration (MARAD).  For Paducah, the BUILD grant will be used to enhance the passenger experience for riverboat visitors along with improvements to downtown’s transportation elements.  The projects include

  • A new riverboat landing facility to be located just downstream of the foot of Broadway;
  • Improved bike and pedestrian linkages through the improvements of three intersections, the addition of wayfinding, and creation of a multi-use path; and
  • Improvements near the transient boat dock (former Executive Inn site) to include green space and seating.

Since the notification of the award, environmental assessments needed to be completed to satisfy National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) regulations along with a mussel survey and a programmatic agreement with the Osage Nation.  Now that all parties have signed the assessment documents, the City and MARAD are ready to enter into this fully obligated grant agreement. 

After the engineering design and bidding process, there will be an approximately 18-month construction period.  The design is underway with the 30-percent design completion expected in September.  Visit BUILD Grant to learn more.


Boards and Commissions

  • Reappointment of Jim Chapman to the Board of Adjustment.
  • Reappointment of Paul Bradford and Cathy Crecelius to the Paducah Planning Commission.
  • Appointment of Simone A. Fearon, M.D. to the Paducah-McCracken County Senior Center Board.
  • Appointment of Staci W. Drake and Whitney Ravellette Wallace to the Paducah Civic Beautification Board.


Additional Meeting Information

  • Finance Director Jonathan Perkins introduced a new employee, Revenue Technician Anayeli Arellano-Tapia, to the Board.
  • A public hearing was held at the beginning of the meeting as part of the requirement for the Community Development Block Grant application on behalf of the Paducah-McCracken County Senior Center.  The Senior Center is planning to build an estimated $4.3 million, 7000 square foot facility at 1600 Kentucky Avenue.  The grant request is for $1.5 million.
  • Municipal orders approved for the declaration of trust and trust partnership agreement and the trust participation agreement with the Kentucky League of Cities.
  • Municipal order approved for a contract for services between the City and Paducah Junior College, Inc. with the City providing $100,000 toward the Community Scholarship Program.
  • Ordinance approved for a budget amendment to transfer funds for vehicle purchases.
  • Ordinance introduced to close an alley north of George Street between South 3rd Street and South 4th Street; the closure of an alley south of Husband Street between South 3rd and South 4th streets, and a portion of the east side of South 4th Street.  These closures are requested by the adjacent property owners.
  • City Manager Jordan announced that Paducah is being honored with the Kentucky League of Cities 2022 City Government of the Year Award.  The City submitted a nomination telling the story of the Southside priority and the Southside Rise & Shine Neighborhood Spruce Up initiative.
  • City Manager Jordan also says the City will be working with the State for federal funding to improve the configuration and safety of the intersection adjacent to the Coke Plant.